The main focus of the RIBA exhibition with Jim Stephenson and Sofia Smith was the film, but something that excited me as much as producing my first multi speaker gallery mix was writing the captions for the catalogue. Emily Macaulay, who took care of all the visual branding for the project, suggested we might include some words to accompany the images that make up the bulk of the catalogue. It coincided with a period where I’m actively trying to improve my writing and ways of communicating the listening that I partake in on a daily basis.
Book designed by Emily Macaulay - Photos by Curtis James
I’ve spoken before about my background and lack of education and thus the lack of confidence that historically may have made me feel like I couldn’t do something like this, so I’m really proud to be included in the catalogue.
I’ve kept a listening journal since September 2023 and continue to engage with it daily. The connection and deep noticing this practice promotes has been my favorite discovery for a long time and in fact has seen me do less recording.